Saturday, February 19, 2011

Overflow Installation

The first thing I needed to do was install the drainage and return pipes. These go inside the black overflow box.  The pipes comprise of various pieces of PVC fitted together.  When I saw the price for the "Megaflow Overflow Kit", I was shocked!  $70!!  For PVC?!  I thought about going to Home Depot and buying the PVC pieces myself.  Having done sprinkler plumbing work before, I thought... how hard could it be?  But then I's okay to have leaks and accidents out on the lawn, but it's not okay inside the house...not on hardwood flooring. So I shelled out for the kit.

This is what $70 buys:

There is a piece of paper with assembly "instructions", and I use that term loosely. 

The pieces fit together easily, but getting both the drainage and return pipe to fit in that small overflow box took some work and small hands.  I noticed some strategically drilled holes in some of the pieces, which I think helps to reduce gurgling.  I wouldn't have known that. So, I think it was $70 well spent.  No leaks yet...but I haven't put any water in.  Stay tuned.

Overflow pipes inserted into tank
Bulkhead popping through top of cabinet

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